Saturday, February 5, 2011

Help out where you can!

Talk about warm fuzzies...  I just helped this cute baby koala.  When I saw it, it was on a smallish tree, separated from its Mum, which was high above in another tree.  After checking me out for a while, it clambered down near the bottom of the tree and then jumped off.
Baby K found the right tree but there was an obstacle, namely a wide plastic barrier.  They actually put these barriers around most of the trees in the picnic area so the koalas won't eat all the leaves.  Baby K couldn't get a grip on the plastic.  There was no way it could climb this tree.  But Mum K was already in the tree so I picked the cuddly little Baby K up and lifted it above the plastic barrier.  At first, it let out a blood-curdling scream of distress but it seemed to realize quickly enough that I had actually helped it.
Mum K descended from her lofty position in record time and leaped across to join Baby K on its branch. By the time I left, Baby K was securely resting on Mum K's back and they safely climbed back up to safety.
God calls us to a life of good works, not to earn salvation (which would be impossible) but to reveal His love and goodness.  And doesn't this world need plenty of that!