Friday, October 12, 2012

Is There a Cure for Violence in Society?

Today is the 10th anniversary of the so-called Bali bombings, where more than 200 people were killed in a night-club area of Bali.  Violent crimes have continued to fill our newspapers.  Just this week, a young Pakistani girl was shot in the head (the taliban claiming they were following the teachings of the Qu'ran).  Her 'crime' was wanting an education and a career.
A few weeks ago, the city of Melbourne was shocked by the murder of Jill Meagher, a popular staff member at the ABC.  It goes on and on.
Closer to home, people have organised a march, protesting the fact that women don't feel safe to go out at night.
Like everyone else, I abhor the kinds of violence that we hear about in our news bulletins.  Community leaders have to condemn such things.  We have to speak against violence.  But speaking out doesn't actually change a thing.  The Bible declares that violence starts in the hearts of men (or women).  Genesis 6:11 says that, even back then, "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence."
The answer to violence is ultimately only to be found in the rebirth that comes through accepting Jesus Christ and walking in the ways of God.  Sinners must be changed from the inside out.  No society can expect to be totally free from violence but a spiritual revival is more likely to bring lasting transformation to society than "education" programs, TV advertisements and anti-violence preaching from politicians.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Daylesford Gospel Music Outing

Sandie and I had a wonderful time on Saturday visiting with our eldest son Simon and his fiancee Lorraine at beautiful Daylesford. After a tasty lunch at a sushi cafe, Simon led us out of town to a place called Shepherds Flat and the house that he will be renting. The irony is that Shepherd's Flat is very hilly - anything but flat. There was a kangaroo on the next hill and abundant evidence that many kangaroos regularly visit the grassy area just near the house.
We made it back into Daylesford in time to catch a workshop run by the Melbourne Mass Gospel Choir in a large room below the Town Hall. That was good fun although, at one point, I felt transported back to the time of slave working gangs in the US. Simon and I joined the tenor section while Sandie was in the Sopranos. Not sure what group Lorraine was in.
After that, we enjoyed some poetry performances from Cameron Semmens, and then a proper concert from the MMGC. Great vocal energy and skill!After the concert, we met Lorraine's Mum, Sylvia and, rather than taking in more of the other singers at the concert, we chose a restaurant nearby where we could all have something that suited our palate and level of hunger. It was getting pretty cold and wet by this stage.
Congratulations to the Daylesford Community Church (the church Simon attends) for putting on a great event. Hope you'll be able to do it again! It was a long day for us, coming from Warrnambool, and we were pretty tired by the time we got home. But the day was thoroughly enjoyable. And we wish Simon and Lorraine every blessing in God's good grace.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Saturday night - 26th May, the New Life Christian Church had a rather unique celebration for Australia's National Day Of Thanksgiving. 
It was a progressive dinner - within our church building - interspersed with Bible readings, prayers and some pretty wild games.  It was a real family night and great to see so many get into the spirit of the night.  We had soup in our main foyer, hot nibbles in our extension foyer, and again in our #1 Sunday School Room, then cakes and slices in our Family Hall.  The games were all in the main auditorium.
I think we were all very well aware of the goodness of God.  It only makes us want to worship Him all the more and introduce as many others to Him as possible.
Part of Christian culture - any culture - is getting together to celebrate things.  Giving thanks to God is a great way of doing that.

Friday, May 18, 2012


I'm so sick of this debate about same-sex "marriage".  Especially when people who claim to be Christian come out in favour.  I don't understand how they can ignore the plain teaching of Jesus that marriage is for a man and a woman, according to the plan and purpose of God.
One "expert" was quoted recently in our local paper, saying: "If you replace the word 'gay' with the word 'black' there would be no argument.  No-one would deny the right to marry.  This is a cunningly deceptive wordplay that will undoubtedly convince a few people.  Truth is, of course, comparing 'black' and 'gay' is comparing apples and oranges.  'Black' doesn't change the definition of marriage but 'gay' most certainly does.
People argue that nothing will change in society as a whole if a few gay couples have a piece of paper to show that they're married.  I've thought about this and I can't avoid the conclusion that it's a deliberate lie.  I don't think anyone could possibly believe this "nothing will change" garbage.  Marriage is the God-given foundation for family, and family is the God-given foundation for society.  You can't change the first without changing everything else.
Other people point to the many problems with marriages that we currently see in our society.  They argue that heterosexual marriage (not that I believe there's any other kind in God's eyes) is failing children, so how can same-sex marriage do any worse?  It's true that marriage has been under sustained attack in Australia for almost 40 years.  No-fault divorce, the giving of full marriage benefits to de-facto couples, and constant left-wing propaganda has seriously weakened the institution of marriage.  But that doesn't mean it deserves to be killed off completely!
Have you noticed that Australia's Islamic community has been conspicuously quiet on this issue?  Given that homosexuality is an abomination in Islam, you would have thought they would be speaking up for traditional marriage.  I believe the reason for their relative silence on the issue of same-sex "marriage" is that they know, once same-sex "marriage" becomes legal, there will be nothing to stop them pushing for marriage "equality" whereby a man can have multiple wives.  They will just use the same arguments that the gay lobby is using now.  Only difference is that they won't have to challenge a time-honoured definition. 
The assertion that sexuality is somehow determined at birth, and that no-one can choose or change their sexuality, is also far from true.  Ministries like Exodus International, despite fierce condemnation, continue to help gays who no longer wish to be gay. 
We are constantly told that the high incidence of mental health problems and suicide among gay teenagers is dur to homophobia in the community.  Why won't anyone admit that homosexuality is inherently unhealthy?  Let the facts speak for themselves.
Professor Kuruvilla George, Victoria's Deputy Chief Psychiatrist has had to resign this week from the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, just because he objected to same-sex "marriage" on medical grounds.  What?  Is this a "debate" where only one side is allowed to be heard?
Bill Muelenberg, in an AFA journal article called "Propaganda Replaces Education", says that people are taking their children out of our public school because they "have had enough of the brainwashing, and want their children to have genuine education by real teachers, not militant homosexual thought police turning their kids into PC zombies."  He says that: "what passes for education these days... has nothing to do with education, and everything to do with mass brainwashing, with mind control, and with a ruthless and totalitarian campaign of indoctrination."
Well said Bill!
This is not about equality.  My Bible reading this morning was from James 4.  Verse 2 in the New Living Translation says: "You want what you don't have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can't get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it." 
The last part of that verse is perhaps a bit irrelevant but the rest of the verse fits the gay lobby perfectly.  They are just jealous that there's still one thing that they can't have.  And they don't mind ruining it for everyone else if that's what it takes!
Is this blog homophobic?  Is it all about hating gays?  No, it's about hating lies and deception and sneaky attacks on something that I (and millions of other Australians) hold sacred.
Thanks for reading.  Please leave a comment if you agree with my sentiments!