Today is the 10th anniversary of the so-called Bali bombings, where more than 200 people were killed in a night-club area of Bali. Violent crimes have continued to fill our newspapers. Just this week, a young Pakistani girl was shot in the head (the taliban claiming they were following the teachings of the Qu'ran). Her 'crime' was wanting an education and a career.
A few weeks ago, the city of Melbourne was shocked by the murder of Jill Meagher, a popular staff member at the ABC. It goes on and on.
Closer to home, people have organised a march, protesting the fact that women don't feel safe to go out at night.
Like everyone else, I abhor the kinds of violence that we hear about in our news bulletins. Community leaders have to condemn such things. We have to speak against violence. But speaking out doesn't actually change a thing. The Bible declares that violence starts in the hearts of men (or women). Genesis 6:11 says that, even back then, "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence."
The answer to violence is ultimately only to be found in the rebirth that comes through accepting Jesus Christ and walking in the ways of God. Sinners must be changed from the inside out. No society can expect to be totally free from violence but a spiritual revival is more likely to bring lasting transformation to society than "education" programs, TV advertisements and anti-violence preaching from politicians.