Thursday, June 4, 2009

What can you use a Bible for?

The first thing I bought after I started earning my own money was a Bible. It cost the grand sum of $4.50. A few years later, I bought a Thompson Chain Reference Bible for about $27. I also bought a dark green bible cover to protect it. When I met my future wife, I kept a photo of her inside the front cover of my bible. For a while, I even kept my drivers licence in there! That was before I ever owned a wallet.
What else might you use a bible for? Some people have huge family bibles that serve as a genealogical record and keepsake. I’ve heard of people using bibles as filing systems for old documents and letters. Some people use bibles to flatten out dried flower arrangements. One family, heaven forbid, used a bible to prop up a wonky leg on a table!
But it’s not the actual printed book that is holy. The Bible is God’s Word to us, a message of hope and salvation from our Creator. It is still the most influential compilation of literature that the world has ever seen.
Everyone, regardless of ethnic or religious background, should read the Bible at least once in their lifetime. If you start today, and read just four chapters per day, you will read the whole Bible before the end of the year. I recommend starting with the New Testament. Why not make a start today? Meet God this year in the pages of his holy book!
If you would like a free electronic version of the Bible, I recommend e-sword. See

1 comment:

Muse said...

Steve, I once rescued a box full of cigarette packet sized Gideon New Testaments from a nurses quarters where they had been used predominantly as soap holders :)
Steve W